Wednesday, August 10, 2011

So Fragile

Life is so fragile..
My heart breaks for a family I don't even know.  A young man died today. I believe he was in his mid-twenties. My sister Diana knows his brother, and she had been sharing with us about this young mans battle with cancer. We had been keeping him in prayer. And just the other day I heard that he had a blog, so today I finally had time to search for it, and after reading his post from today, I heard that he died today.
I was so blessed and challenged by his post, I just had to share it on here.
I can't imagine the grief that his family must feel right now, I can't begin to imagine the heart-struggle...

Read Daniels challenge to us. Be willing to accept the message God has for you through it. And pray for his family.

Jesus is coming. Soon. Will He find faith on the earth?


  1. Thanks for sharing this Sara. His last post was so powerful. I think I might copy it to read again. btw, great to see you last Sabbath...brief as it was!

  2. Wasn't it? I am glad you were able to read it. And it so good seeing you too! I cant wait to find out what your little one is! :)
